[英] 地心冒險 (Journey to the Center of the Earth) (2008)
[英] 3D血腥情人節 (My Bloody Valentine 3D) (2009) <2D + 快門3D>
[英] 第十四道門 3D (Coraline 3D) (2009) <2D + 快門3D>
[英] 極速秒殺 (The Mechanic) (2010)
[美] 婚禮傲客 (Wedding Crashers) (2005)
[英] X檔案 - 我要相信 (The X-Files - I Want to Believe) (2008)
[英] X檔案 - 征服未來 ( The X Files- Fight The Future) (1998)
[英] 蝴蝶效應 3 - 啟示 (The Butterfly Effect - Revelation) (2009)
[英] 美味關係 (Julie & Julia) (2009)
[英] 魔蠍大帝 2 - 王者的崛起 (The Scorpion King 2 - Rise of a Warrior) (2008)
[英] 諾曼第大空降 4 (Band of Brothers 4 ) (2001)
[英] 諾曼第大空降 1 (Band of Brothers 1 ) (2001)