新年快樂 套餐四(12片裝) (含印刷封面外盒) (2013)
BD25_5314 [港] 一路向西 (Due West - Our Sex Journey) (2012) (得寶版)
BD25_5003 [中] 搜索 (Caught in the Web) (2012)
BD25_4454 [韓] 登陸之日 (My Way) (2011)
BD25_4825 [美] 官賤對決 (The Campaign) (2012)
BD25_5309 [日卡通] 魔女宅急便 (宮崎駿) (Kikis Delivery Service) (1989)
BD25_4696 [美] 搖滾時代 (Rock of Ages) (2012)(得寶版)
BD25_4561 [美] 黑影家族 (Dark Shadows) (2012)
BD25_4820 [美] 聖誕快遞 亞瑟少爺救聖誕 (Arthur Christmas) (2011)
BD25_5181 [美] 大地英豪 (The Last of the Mohicans) (1992)
BD25_4943 [日] 貞子3D (Sadako 3D) (2012) (得寶版)
BD25_5318 [韓] R2B 獵鷹行動 (R2B Return To Base) (2012) (得寶版)
BD25_4562 [美] 公主與狩獵者 (Snow White and the Huntsman) (2012)