[西] 瀕臨崩潰邊緣的女人 (Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown Mujeres) (1988)
[西] 窗邊上的玫瑰 (La flor de mi secreto) (1995)
[西] 慾望法則 (La ley del deseo) (1987)
[美] 來自陰影 (From the Shadows) (2009)
[德] 里斯本夜車 (Night Train to Lisbon) (2013)
[美] 攔截人魔島 (The Island of Dr. Moreau) (1996)
[廷] 最後一個貓王 (The Last Elvis) (2012)
[美] 越南大戰 (The Green Berets) (1968)
[英] 戴珍珠耳環的少女 (Girl with a Pearl Earring) (2003)
[加] 預見亡靈 2 (Grave Encounters 2) (2012)
[法] 美麗的謊言 (De vrais mensonges) (2010)
[泰] 逃妻七日情 (Days to Leave My Wife) (2007)
[西] 黑暗面 (La Cara Oculta) (2011)
[美] 韓賽爾與格蕾特(Hansel & Gretel) (2013)
[美] 醉後大丈夫3 (The Hangover Part III) (2013) (港版)