[荷] 弗蘭肯斯坦的軍隊 (Frankensteins Army) (2013)
[瑞] 芬妮與亞歷山大 (Fanny och Alexander) (1982)
[英] 辛巴達 (Sinbad) (2012) (1080P)
[英] 隊列之末 (Parades End) (2012) (1080P)
[美] 夏日之王 (The Kings of Summer) (2013) (港版)
[美] 我唾棄你的墳墓 2 (I Spit on Your Grave 2) (2013) (港版)
[美劇] 疑犯追踪 第二季 (Person of Interest Season 2) (2012) (1080P)
[美劇] 滅世 第一季 (Revolution Season 1) (2012) (1080P)
[美劇] 達芬奇的魔鬼 第一季 (Da Vincis Demons Season 1) (2013) (1080P)
[英] BBC非凡旅程 - 地球公轉與自轉 (Orbit - Earths Extraordinary Journey) (2012)
[韓] 劍與花 (Sword And Flower) (2013)
[港] 衝上雲宵 2 (Triumph In The Skies II) (2013)
[美] 魅力克利夫蘭 第四季 (Hot In Cleveland Season 4) (2013)
[美] 禦姐奶爸 季三季 (Melissa - Joey Season 3) (2013)